Monday, September 29, 2008

Manic Monday: Nuts

Each week Mo gives us a word and lets us run wild! Feel free to join in the fun here.

While life moves at a very fast pace and is generally nuts, this weekend was particularly nuts. I wish I could say it was the good kind of nuts (Mmm like almonds or warm roasted pecans with brown sugar) but it was the bad kind of nuts that made me cry a lot. Some times I think it's post partem or something (nice cop out) but regardless today was the nuttiest of the nuts (that's putting it nicely and keeping it vague for the purpose of not coming across as a total nut aka psycho) and I found myself breaking down into tears more often than not. I don't think I have ever cried this much and I'm pretty sure I haven't had this much reason...oh wait. I think I have had reason but I'm certain I use to be able to cope! I think my eye balls hurt from crying so much. Ouch (they really do).

On the B Side: If you are reading this and thinking, "I'm sorry" please don't be. While I appreciate it please know that I am at the heart and soul of the nuttiness that is my life hence it comes as a result of my own hand. Not only am I a nut, I am a r tard...ugh. While the thought of tomorrow being a new day, a better day sounds good it doesn't make me feel any better and really it just feels overwhelming and just makes me want to hide....with a big bag of warm, sugar coated nuts (no I will not share). Umm, so the B side is that as much as my heart aches and as sick to my stomach as things make me right now I would rather be able to feel than be completely numb...I think but I'm not completely able to appreciate it just now ;)

15 shout outs:

Angela said...

I always love your posts. You are so honest and creative in what you write. Good for you and the crying. Sometimes you really need to let it out. I laughed at the eyeballs hurting phrase...mostly because I have been there more than a few times. Let's try to get together while I am in Utah. :)

Travis Cody said...

Awwww...a little nuttiness is ok every so often. Hang in there!

Ivanhoe said...

Sometimes you just have to let it all out. Around my pms, I cry for no reason. That's nuts, too.
Hope you feeling better today, Brit :o)

Kaci said...

You need chocolate...always makes the tears dry up! :) XOXO

Barb said...

There's nothing like a good cry! And a nice glass of wine.

lizzo said...

I have no idea what to say here...except that you have been through much and always see the postive things about the hardships we all face. It will take time but you will see the positive side with this too.

ClancyPants said...

I love you and any nuttiness that comes along for the ride now and then. NO MORE weird promises, right? Seriously... stop all that promising yourself silly things like you won't call me. I love you and it's ALWAYS ok and ALWAYS safe to call me. Love you so much.

After Hours said...

You know the saying when life hands you nuts...:)

If you never felt sad, down, and out, you'd never really know when you felt truly happy.

Amanda said...

I'm with you on all the nuttiness. I feel the same way. Ex the sick to my stomach & the heartache!

Durward Discussion said...

Sometimes the best thing you can do when you are miserable is just to wallow!! Let yourself feel until you feel silly for feeling so much. There is nothing so much fun as a good giggle over being a nut, particularly when you get a handful of mixed nuts to go with it.

Kristin said...

Britta girl, you amaze me. I feel for you and with you. I know that, at least to a small extent, I get it. I love that you have perspective though. Nuts aren't so bad when you've got that.

Love you!

Sherrie said...

Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully will be better! Take Care!!


Girly Stuff said...

I think the emotion is the result of being such a creative can't have one without the other. Hang in there...I usually have to pray my way out of those times.

LDeSbian said...

I'm allergic to nuts so I won't put you in my mouth. I don't want to get a rash.

Mo and The Purries said...

I think a bit of nuttiness is a good thing in a person!
Thanks for participating in Manic Monday and for making me crave some warm candied cashews!