1. I get my kidlets back today! I miss my little turkey sandwiches and can't wait to pick them up from school!!!!!!
2. Carpet AND couches...I almost feel like a real girl! The house is coming along nicely and it feels soooooo good!
3. I am tripping back to PA for my little quasi sister's wedding. She is coming down the isle to Tesla's 'Love Song' and it's going to be ROCKIN!!!! Hang onto your hat, Adi....you have no idea how much fun we're going to have!
4. Working from home is far more fantabulous then I knew. I was way nervous and very much enjoy the commute down the steps IN MY JAMMIES!
5. We are going to see Cirque du Soleil tomorrow...can I just close my eyes and dream of everything French?! C'est magnifique!
On the B Side: My crazy life is full of ups and downs and I'm trying very strategically to enjoy the moments and not get overwhelmed. Adi had her first b day, Dayton started 2nd grade and Ellie started 1st. There have been tons of changes and I'm learning to accept a lot of things lately. Despite the tears that always come....I WILL SURVIVE (me and Gloria G!) Now get outta my way because if you ain't part of the solution then you are part of the problem!