Monday, August 11, 2008

Manic Monday

Growing up we would skip through the forest located behind our home and play in a small stream nestled quietly in the woods. We had some neighbors that would always lift up the rocks in the water. Once the rocks were removed you could see all kinds of nasty creatures quickly flutter away in the cloudy water. Most often they were crayfish that looked like minature lobsters swimming backwards. They were super creepy to watch and it makes me skin crawl thinking about them.

While I was in New Orleans on business in 2002 I found out that people actually eat these nasty things. That's where today's topic for Manic Monday comes in: boil. Yes, apparently crayfish are boiled, eaten and enjoyed as Cajun cuisine. Gross. Really gross.

On the B Side: I love Mo's Manic Monday posts! I love the simplicity of one word that causes you to think of something entirely random. It's conjures up all kinds of memories for me that I haven't thought about in a long time.

9 shout outs:

Barb said...

I love lots of Cajun foods, but SO not that! Allergic to shellfish.

Ivanhoe said...

Yikes! That grosses me out as well. Cannot do seafood at all. Have a wonderful Monday!

ClancyPants said...

Dude... I posted a comment and now it's not here!!! GRRRRR.

I have heard of people eating these things. Sounds fairly yucky to me. One time there was one of these in the gutter by our house and it scared Mac to DEATH. Weird, huh?

Kaci said...

Oh snap I forgot about this!! Okay I just posted a post it to my computer for next week! Sorry Britta don't hate me!

When I was younger my Uncle totally made me eat crayfish. Totally can't remember what it tasted like...probably chicken. LOL!

Jodi said...

Ew YUCK! I remember crayfish (we called them crawdads). When we went camping for Easter as kids, we went to a place called Seven Springs and there were TONS of crawdads in the water. We spent a lot of time catching them. My boy cousins all spent a lot of time daring eachother to cook and eat them. From what they said, they're pretty good. I'll pass...

After Hours said...

I love crawfish and all the other sea creatures. Shrimp, crawfish lobsters boils all rock. Sorry you feel differently.

Kristin said...

LOL... I'm impressed with you and Clancy. I couldn't think of anything for boil. Well, I thought of boiling water... no stories though. Then I thought of a boil on your foot... and I don't even know what that is. So, I'm sorry to say, no post from me. I like what you wrote though... you have an amazing memory - I don't! :)

Tink *~*~* said...

I totally blanked on Manic Monday so I did Fun Monday instead. I personally have never eaten a crawdad; they do look like little lobsters, which means they'd be a PITA to take apart and eat! At least with the lobster, you get a goodly hunk of contiguous mean via the tail. Crawdad tails are considerably smaller.

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Anna said...

This is the first time I have seen crayfish!
Thanks for sharing!