Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Unpack Attack!

I made it through another 8 boxes last night and I think the kitchen is now complete...funny that I have not missed it! One of my favorite Christmas gifts was a mega gift certificate to My Girl Friend's Kitchen. It's a great alternative to doing the domestic duty!

Marky worked all day to finally clear out the garage. He had to make a run to the dump to get rid of all of the garbage we had accumulated. He also made a serious DI run...anything to downsize!!

Things I still cannot find;
-Toilet Scrubber (we're in need & may need to run to Walmart!)
-$100 Gift Certy to Nordstrom's (insert big, sad sigh here!)
-Shellbait's Christmas gift (gave up on Rebecca's)
-One of the shelves in the fridge (it's totally MIA!)

I also have a bunch of "crap stacks" (in the words of our Marky) that need to be addressed today. I'm determined to have only ONE junk drawer!

On the B Side: I am grateful to be able to downsize and organize. Once I get the house completely situated my universe will be back in sync and all will be well!

1 shout outs:

also known as shell said...

good job on unpacking... wanna come and help me too?