Friday, October 31, 2008

Elvis Has A Bloddy Pelvis

To know "Frichelle" is to love her. Today she sent this picture of she and Framy;

Here is the text that accompanied her picture:

"I totally won funniest costume with my accessory, Priscilla. Let me share a quick story… My costume in all of it’s glory…had a wardrobe malfunction. We had to run to the store for our pot luck luncheon. Just as I got out of my car…Priscilla asked me if I knew I’d started my period. Don’t worry this WAS after we were in the Halloween parade in front of the entire company. Elvis has a bloody pelvis. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!"

No Frichelle. No, I am not. I'm baaaaaack.

9 shout outs:

Achtung Amy! said...

Oh boy. Fritta, you just turned your last b-day...I'm thinking.

PS - can you get me Pricilla's #? She's hot!

Michelvis said...




Whoever Frichelle is, is cut you.

lizzo said...

Oh man, I knew you'd get her back but this is priceless.

Remind me never to post anything about either of you two.

ClancyPants said...

Uhhh... I'm fairly confused....

John Boy said...

Here's a good one... When I first looked at the pic (admittedly w/o my glasses on) I thought it was Mark & Britt! Then I put my glasses on and saw the shoes!
Love to all,
Bad Dad!

The Lingwalls said...

Oh wow. How did I just see this now? I can't wait to sit back and watch how this pans out! Sorry Bert, but Michelle might just get you back even worse. Are you afraid??????

Good luck!

Kaci said...

I don't get it! :(

Leah said...

glad I'm not the only one confused!

cute pic though!

Kristin said...

LOVE IT!!! I'll be praying for you honey... because I don't think you did anything wrong! :D

SOOO glad you posted... I might not have gotten to see such a fab pic of two of my best friends otherwise!