My darling Kaci has graciously given me my first award! I am honored and touched. {Insert contrived tears and a beauty pagent wave here}
As the recipient of this grandiose award I am required to post it on my page AND pass it along to others! I would like to nominate the following individuals;
Shellbait simply because she has finally begun posting (and she's a porch monkey) and Sarah because even though she doesn't post she leaves comments (and after all sometimes she is cool). Mic definitely gets a nomination because her last post was hilarious (and I kind of like her) and Jennie because she posts great pictures (and she vacations more than anyone I know!).
So ladies, take your award. Post it on your blog with pride and share with with a few of your fellow deserving bloggers!
4 shout outs:
You are so funny! Clap, clap, clap! No worries about the email. Have a great day and you so deserve the award! XOXO
Congratulations! Woo hoo!
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