Monday, February 18, 2008

Rain Dance

The kids were absolutely adorable again today! I couldn't wait to pick them up from school and was pleased that they were both in great moods! We got Ellie's glasses fitted and then we came home and made dinner together. They both did a great job cleaning their plates...after all everyone wants to be a member of the clean plate club! ;)

Dayton told me that Miss Kari (his teacher) said she was his girlfriend but he followed up with "but I'm really bored by it"! Ellie told me Miss Kari made the spaghetti with love...not noodles today! She also said she has a boyfriend in her class and also in the Kindergarten class. We'll have to talk about that with her later!! Dayton than sat me down and said, "Let's talk about our day, Mom. You first. What did you do?" We each went through our day and shared various highlights. He even let Ellie have a turn and they each listened attentively to one another and made me proud!

They both hopped in the tub to bathe tonight and apparently Ellie had a very small accident that sent them both scurrying very quickly! The giggles and squeals were more out of excitement than disgust! I on the other hand was not squealing with any kind of delight knowing that I was stuck cleaning and disinfecting the tub. My gag affect is in full swing and gets me EVERYTIME!

To expedite the whole process of getting them clean and into their warm jammies I turned the shower on and Dayton hopped right on in! He generally takes showers and was more than happy to do so to avoid the "germs in the tub". However, Ellie has never taken a shower but asked if she could dance in the shower. We swung a deal that if she washed her hair she could dance all she wanted. Dayton led the way and set the example. Ellie followed in suit and washed her hair flawlessly.

At this point the dancing began! The kids were both giggling and enjoying themselves! While I kept the pictures G Rated I couldn't resist capturing some of their silly smiles!

For prayer tonight it was Ellie's turn and she looked at me squarely in the eyes and said, "It doesn't have to be long, Mom". She proceeded to "bless everyone in the world" and was pretty much done! Dayton agreed with her methodology and commended her after the fact. To top the evening off Ellie asked if she could snuggle with me and Dayton happily joined in for some quiet moments after prayer and before bed!

On the B Side: I love making memories! The kids will often recall the funniest and sometimes the smallest details or things that happened. I love the day to day moments and feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have these two little people in my life!

4 shout outs:

Michelvis said...

Are you saying Ellie sharted?

ClancyPants said...

I LOVE IT!!!! What a great night! Some of my favorite pictures are of my babies in the tub! I might just post one of them that is the cutest thing ever! Go check out my blog... to see another pair of adorable children getting squeaky clean!

also known as shell said...

I like Dayton's hands in the second shot. Reminds me of "Walking like an eygptian" dance.

bv said...

I have no idea who 'Jon' is and Shellbait you know I hate that word!!! Clancy Pants, You need to post the your tubbie pictures and Shell what sticks out in my mind is your Flash dance expedition!!!! I love you guys...except for Jon. I don't know him. ;)