Sunday, February 10, 2008


My one and only little brother is GETTING MARRIED! I'm so excited! We love Micci and they are so beyond happy together! We got the phone call tonight and it's official!!! The kids excitedly asked Micci on the phone, 'Micci, are you getting married to Uncle Jazz?' followed by 'We want cousins!'

Micci and Jazzy have been together for a year now. When Jazzybutt first moved here he teased that he would find a good little Mormon girl. I don't think that we ever really expected it to happen! She's bright, beautiful, full of personality, all kinds of giggles and a heart that adores our Jazz man! On top of it all she loves to cook and clean...exactly what he needs ;)

They are both ecstatic and looking forward to June! They have a busy few months ahead of them and I can't wait to hear all about it as it all unfolds. Between planning a wedding, buying their first home and working out all of the details for multiple receptions they will definitely have their hands full!

PS This also means that I will get to travel home in August for the first time in 3 years! We'll see how DD Cakes, Betty beans, a little newborn and me do and pray that Marky can make the homeward bound trip with us!

On the B Side: I am so grateful that Jazzy has found the love of his life! He's been all a glow and it's wonderful to see him so happy. We're all super excited for both he and Mic! xxox

3 shout outs:

ClancyPants said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I am so excited for them and for you! That's so great. Really wonderful. I hope this message finds you having a better day than when I talked to you last! I so love you. Jazzy's fiance is absolutely adorable! They are too cute together. Hooray! Tell Jazz man I better get an invite to the wedding! :)
Love ya

bv said...
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also known as shell said...

Thats awesome! Congrats Jazz and Micci! I hope Mark can go with you. Traveling with 3 kids by yourself would be so super fun (CRAZY)