Sunday, October 5, 2008

Manic Monday: Leaf

This week Mo has chosen the word LEAF. For more information click here. To join the fun click here.

I'm turning over a new one TODAY! Yes, a new leaf. I have been my own worst enemy for some time now. I work against myself for no apparent reason and most often without even realizing it. Listening to General Conference flooded my mind with wisdom, understanding and my heart with hope and inspiration.

I am a perfectioninst in my own mind (but never in application mind you). My expectations for myself are hardly fair yet I hold myself to them and feel miserable on the inside when I fall short...which is way more often than not. So I create and then harbor feelings of inadequacy and end up feeling like a dog turd.

Today was a reminder that we all face hardships. We all struggle, we all miss the mark, that there is no such thing as perfection in this life and that we are here to learn. We learn by doing and that means making mistakes. I really want to stop being so hard on myself . As I turn over my new leaf I am going to be more realistic with myself, more fully communicate expectations, seek help when I need it and just live my life the best that I can without stopping to see how I measure up in my own mind.

On the B Side: That was way more information then I had planned on but nonetheless I am super excited and also rather motivated to try a little harder to be a little better and quit wasting time on what I am not or what I didn't do. xxox

17 shout outs:

Unknown said...

Happy MM! Outstanding post. I wish you well in your efforts to turn a new leaf...

I invite your blog readers to see my tribute to Ryan Leaf!

peace, Villager

Ivanhoe said...

What an inspiring post, Brit. I hope your leaf turning goes flawlesly (is that a word? :o)
BTW: I love your new autumn design :o)

Kaci said...

Totally inspirational I know generally every woman feels this way...errr...maybe every mother? But anyways I know too that I am hard on myself and I too need to work on. Rock on Britta!

Girly Stuff said...

You have been a bit melancholy...give yourself some takes longer than 3 months to get your groove back...isn't it more like 3 years? I like your post...we are consistently a work in progress for God...I for one am glad He is so patient!

also known as shell said...

the 411 is I too am ready for a new leaf. its always nice to have a new start and feel ready to be done with things. just know that I love you. and thinking about you.

ClancyPants said...

Looks like everyone's lovin' on your post, baby! You are a rockstar and I'm glad to hear you'll be making a conscious effort to ease up! That's what I'm doing too...

Love you and your guts.

Barb said...

a perfectionist in my own mind but never in application - Oh, my! That describes me quite well, too!

I wish you great success! =)

Anonymous said...

Britta, I completely empathize with you. Why is it that we hold ourselves up to higher expectations than we do others?

Oh, too deep to ponder on a Monday without a diet coke... But I just can't seem to break the expectation habit. I'm chalking it up to being human. Yep, that's my excuse. :-D)

We are what we are... foibles and all. Hugs, hon. You will get there...

Kristin said...

Good for you... I think we all really need to ease up on ourselves most of the time. Although, sometimes I think I go to far and end up doing nothing. LOL. I'm glad conference reinvigorated you. I wish I heard more!

Oh! Like everyone else, I love you too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post and simply enjoy the 'present' who you are, what you have, knowing that you are treasured and loved by those who know you. take care Judyx

Tink *~*~* said...

You go, girl! I hold myself to a similar standard, and have to remind myself that the way to success is to take smaller bites - both literally and figuratively! If we try to be too much, too soon, surely we will blow it!

There was a play on Broadway while I was growing up, I think it was called The Fifth Of July and while the commercials were running on TV in NY, the mother would come out and nag her son to "take HUMAN bites!".

And so, I often have to remind myself to "take HUMAN bites" and not try to be superwoman all the time.

big hugs,
Tink *~*~*

After Hours said...

Congratulations on your new leaf. I hope everything goes well for you..

Leah said...

here's to turning over a new leaf! I'm sure we can all stand to work on those very same things

Travis Cody said...

Good for you! Give yourself a break once in awhile. Forgive yourself for not being perfect.

And even more important...set reasonable short term goals for yourself, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Here's to you!

Marilyn said...

Monday is leaf turning day... always, for me. Anyway this is a wonderful thing and I hope you can carry through with the more realistic expectations. Maybe I'll be able to figure that out too. Sometimes it seems that by not giving myself permission to fail I don't give myself permission to get started either.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Best of luck to you and your new leaf! :)

Happy MM and thanks for stopping by.

Andrew and Lori said...

You are super cute, but the turd was discusting!! I loved General Conference and have a lot of my own leaves to turn (there is a whole pile waiting).
Lori Miller