Sunday, August 31, 2008

Did You Just Say That? Really? Out Loud? Really Loud?

I had to pick up Adi's prescription at Target this weekend. Ellie came with me and I set the expectation that we were ONLY getting the medication. Ellie strategically proceeded to vie for cute clothes. Keep in mind that SHE'S FOUR! She had an entire argument (that is not new) about how she needed them to be cute to which I explained (again) that things do not make us cute; that we do not need clothes or jewelry in order to be cute. Very loudly in a serious tone of agitation she says;


That goes over real big in public. Ugh.

On the B Side: I love the cute naked guts out of that girl!!

15 shout outs:

Michelvis said...

I can't stop laughing...she's hilarious. She will always keep things interesting to say the least.

Kessee said...

That was funny. Hope you are feeling better soon and that you can stop the lupus loop...You are in our prayers. Oh, and I appreciate you being like the only person who has posted on my cheesemuffiny book blog.
You rock the hizzle Britta Vizzle!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I love stories like that!! Kids are funny. I can't wait until ours start actually making sense and not talking gibberish. Also on another note, I had no idea that you were struggling with Lupus. What a challenge, that you seem to be managing with much grace and strength, like always.

Amanda said...

HAHAHA. I love it.

Kristy said...

She is my favorite 4 year stuck in a 30 year olds body! Thanks for coming up last night even though it was quite the drive. Hope you didnt hate it too much :)

Amanda said...

Yes this friday I am open. Let me know what time & where. I hope that you are feeling better. see you soon.

ClancyPants said...

LOL!!! She is the cutest thing ever and I love the mental picture that story conjures! You rock. I love you and hope you are doing ok.

Call me....


Kaci said...

LOL! Awesome!! We so do not need to get our girls together we'd be broke by 5 years old! LOL1

Amanda said...

I've been trying to email you but I only have your work email. (i know you gave me the other but I can't find it). Call or email when you have a second. Let's plan something for friday.

Leah said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My eldest was FULL of things to say like that. The worst was when she interrupted a nice African American woman with SHORT HAIR who was telling her something, and asked, "wait a minute, are you a man or a lady?" (she was 2.5 years old when she did that)

Kids are awesome! LOL

Ivanhoe said...

OMG! I hope you answered yes :o)

Achtung Amy! said...

I need to get some obnoxious cute and clever kids so I can have the best blog stories ever. I love it!

Tink *~*~* said...

Kids do say the CUTEST things, regardless of location (public, private, whatever). :D

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

The Lingwalls said...
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Kristin said...

That's just AWESOME!!!